My name is Daren Ross Dochterman

I’ve been a motion picture production illustrator for 18 years, and an avid fan of movies and all that ilk for all my life.  Have been lucky to have the opportunity to work on a lot of great movies... (and a bunch of dumb ones too, but who’s counting).
I have a great girlfriend of over two years, Heather, who is my Little Bun and she tolerates my geekiness.  She has a great little boy, Jared, who likes Batman and a lot of the other stuff I like.  He just turned six, and is already quite smart.  I like that. About Me
Name: Daren R. Dochterman
Age: 39
Birthday: July 2
College: USC
Major: Enema/Tunnelvision
Favorite Color: Salmon
Fav. Book: Atlas Shrugged
Fav. Movie: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Favorite Food: EasyMac
Favorite Quote: “It’s not the years, honey.  It’s the mileage.”  - Indiana Jones

My photo albums

Fun Photos
blasts from the past

Hallow’een 2005
Batman Returns

Not Coming Soon
funny movie posters

Annapolis in June
Trip with Bun and Boy
